Meet your Instructors
Rev. Pastor Gladys Gbesorgbor
Rev. Gladys C Gbesorgbor known as Pastor Gladys is the founder and President and head Pastor of Souls of Yahweh Ministries Int, then Souls Survival Ministries Int’l. Iocated in Cherry Valley in MA and Revival Women Leaders Organization Inc (RWLO) in USA, Ghana and Liberia. SOY Bible School of Ministry (SBSoM), Icare. She is a Clinical Chaplain at the UMass Memorial Medical Health in Worcester.
With certificate in theology at Bible school of ministry, Biblical Christian Counseling in Bachelors (B.A), Masters in Christian Counseling, Fire and Police Chaplain, Clinical Chaplaincy and Board Certified Chaplain (BCC). Currently Studying Doctorate in Ministry (D.Min).
She has over 23 years of ministry under belt, it all began in Ghana where they call her the lady Prophet. Once she moved to the USA she then presented her self as a Pastor.
By the grace of God, she has a prophetic ministry, a healing and deliverance ministry and maintains the power gifts of the Holy Spirit. Through these, many souls have been saved, many have been healed from sicknesses and diseases, marriages have been blessed and many have been delivered.
Rev. Dr. Festus Kavale
Rev. Dr. Festus Kavale has proven teaching and Pastoral Care and Ministry experience both in Africa and USA.
Following his graduate studies at Nairobi International School of Theology (now International Leadership University), in addition to pastoring an urban Church that grew under his leadership from Sunday attendance of 700 to 3,000 over ten years, he also served as an Adjunct Professor at Scott Theological College (now Scott Christian University -- an undergraduate College) for 7 years. Courses he taught included: Cultural Anthropology, African Church History, Introduction to Psychology, Introduction to Philosopy, Counseling, Biblical Preaching and Pastoral Ministry.
After his Doctoral studies at Asbury Theological Seminary in Kentucky, he also taught for one and a half years in an undergraduate College (Eddison College in Ohio) where he taught: Philosopy, Psychology, and Cross-Cultural Communication.
In addition to many years of Pastoral Care in several Hospitals here in the USA, he has also pastored several Churches for over ten years here in the USA, one being in the Boston area.